We're not babies!
I am pissed off with the nanny state in the UK at the moment. When I voted for New Labour I thought we might move towards a more equal sopciety where those that can't are looked after, while those that won't are marginalised. Undoubtedly things are better for a lot of people, even if on my salary I am worse off - the price for a better society is worth some sacrifices and I'm not moaning, although as white, middle aged, objectively middle class man I am hit the hardest from every angle. But what I am getting fucked off with is the constant "nanny" state attitude of this government. All we seem to get these days are information directives about what is bad for us, and how we need to behave better in order to live longer.
Example 1:
Macdonalds, Coke, Pepsi, Pizza Hut are all under fire for making us a nation of lardy arsed bloaters apparently. On the other hand we have more cases of anorexia and bulimia than ever before, because we live in a society that treasures skinny bony women, and chest hair free, muscle bound blokes. Fuck that - the odd burger or pizza isn't going to hurt. If people want to live this way, and die through obesity caused ailments then fucking let them - it's their body, their choice. The state has no business interfereing with them - educate, don't regulate.
Example 2:
Now its the turn of "binge drinking" to be the latest eveil. Apparently my 5 or 6 pints of Guinness, folowed by half a bottle of red after the pub categorises me as a binge drinker. Bollocks! I'm like a lot of people who work long hard hours through the week, thanks to the governments work ethic mentality, for an employer who expects extra hours from people for fuck all. I don't drink at all during the week because I want to keep my job, and be able to do it properly. But on a Friday, thats my time, and I will have a few beers with mates to wind down. I don't get nicked, I don't fight, I don't puke, and I don't riot in Town centres - I do have a good laugh, and surely that has greater health benefits than the government state? I just wish the governement and the scientists would shut the fuck up. Here's a thought - let pubs open as long as they want, let them welcome children and families, encourage a sensible routine of drinking - Christ isn't that the European model, where they don't have the same alleged issues? Another example of this governments nannying "Little England" mentality.
I could follow this with a load of other examples but you get my drift. I like the odd burger, the odd beer, I used to like the odd smoke (quit 2 years now, but respect the right of others to indulge in the odd lung torpedo if they want to), and I like to drive my car - its fun, comfortable, with good loud music I can sing to - try that on a bike or a fucking bus! Leave me alone New Labour, without people like me paying their way, and voting for you then you'll be out on your arse
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