Thursday, April 08, 2004

Back to bloody normal....

DC, teenager and Baby came back yesterday from their weekend in Espana. Baby nearly knocked me off my feet with the welcome cuddle. I missed her a lot.

DC is already pissed off with me. Apparently I'm not affectionate enough. She has just spent the weekend with Bob6's wife, lets call her PostmanPattie. Bob6 and PostmanPattie are sickening together. They never stop kissing and cuddling, and saying things to each each other full of sexual innuendo...IN PUBLIC! Now, don't get me wrong I can be affectionate, but it's not really my nature to be continually expressive about my feelings, and I'm very private, so those feelings, sexual, romantic or whatever tend to be delivered to the intended recipient ...IN PRIVATE. However postman Pattie and Bob6 spent the weekend apart and , this is no word of a lie, sent each other in excess of 20 texts each, per day!! Now either they are very insecure, which is my guess, or they could genuinely have that sort of deeply loving relationship.

This might seem like a nice ideal, to be so deeply in love and infatuated with each other that you must be contacting each other by phone or text so frequently when apart, but I would find this very intrusive, and I guess most other guys would, and indeed most women. Most of my friends seem to have a balance on this, in that a couple of calls or texts per day whilst apart is sufficient. Anyway DC seems to have been polluted with this view that this is how normal people are. She says she doesn't compare our relationship with other couples, and then throws this at me. Oh really! Sorry to sound like a pig here, but what is it with women that they feel they need to change the guys they marry. I buy her flowers regularly, not at any specific frequency, but just as a surprise. We eat out, we make a point of spending Saturdays/Sundays with each other to make up for the "ships passing in the night" lifestyle during the week (like a lot of working couples do). I work all week. I strive to earn more to provide more. And still it doesn't seem to be enough. It makes me feel like giving up.

I am lost, it's a non-winnable argument. If I convince her that we are normal then that's a bubble burst and her expectations deflated, if I don't then I am admitting defeat and will have to start acting like Bob6. What a fucking choice.

Teenager never said much, nothing unusual there. In fact she seems to be straight back to MSN and her bloody mobile. Today she's off shopping with her friends, who happen to include Mini-Me. Mind you at this moment I envy the fuck out of her. Life must seem so trouble free to her sometimes. Perhaps that's where the occasional disconnect happens between us. My envy.

One last note - the Beckham "affair". So the fucking scum tabloids have decided it's his time to be knocked off his perch have they. So what if he is having an affair, it happens, every day, to lots of different people. Whatever the morality of having an affair, its still between two adults, who freely choose their actions. The pain they cause is something they are always going to be aware of. It may be morally wrong, but it happens for good reasons sometimes. Do we really live in an age where people are obliged to stay together in marital misery? And I say don't choose who to love, love chooses you. If you fall in love with the "wrong" person, then the more you try to resist, the more that feeling grows.You are helpless. If Becks has fallen in love with her then he's helpless. If it's just a shag, then he's just acting like a lot of blokes. And she is acting like a lot of women these days...liberated and not labeled as some sort of slut just because she enjoys a healthy sex life. Most of us men are ruled by genitals first, heart second then our head, when it comes to women. Another fact from the GoGB archives.

If he isn't guilty (which I happen to believe) then will these pieces of trash publish huge front page apologies...will they bollocks. As for all this role model stuff, well he's a footballer, not a priest. He hasn't asked to be set up as a role model. If the tabs cared about him being a role model then they wouldn't pursue him, like they did Princess Diana, looking for the sleazy or scandalous story in order to shift their tainted rags. I know him and Posh court publicity, but that doesn't give anyone carte blanche access to all areas of their life. If the press didn't want to upset the kids who look to Becks a role model then don't print the fucking story. If the marriage has failed that will be painful enough, without a fucking camera lens and microphone recording every facet of it, and multiplying and exaggerating it for their alleged readers to digest like starving lions.

Nothing is more hypocritical than The Sun , The Daily Facist, or The Mirror, dictating morals, and determining the high ground views. Fuck me, The Sun and The News of the World wouldn't know what high ground was if they published it on the summit of Everest.

And I want Beckham to be on top form for Euro 2004, not worried about what the papers ay about his PRIVATE life (memo to editor of The Sun, Rebekah Wade....look up the word private in the dictionary you stupid bitch).

Later, when I've calmed down, Grocerjack.

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