Friday, January 28, 2005

Finally struck down.....

Is it flu?

Is it Man Flu?

Is it in your imagination?

Are feeling sorry for yourself?
What do you think fucker?

Have a nice weekend Jack
Oh yeah, with this bastard cold, thanks for fuck all.

After avoiding all the bugs over this god forsaken miserable gloomy fucking winter, within 30 minutes today I went from feeling fine to feeling shit. Sore and itchy throat was the first symptom. Blocked and painful nose was the next. Now the eyes are fucking starting to ache. This is why God doesn't exist, at least not in any benevolent form. You see if God exists and dictates to us all everything that happens under his allegedly all seeing will, then why give me the present of a fucking cold in time for a weekend when GMD is away in Paris and I have the house to myself? The world, or at least the village I live in should be my fucking bastard playground this weekend and yet it seems destined to be huddled on a settee drinking hot drinks, taking Beechams Flu Plus tablets to alleviate the discomfort and feeling downright sorry for myself. And now the throat is covered in shards of tiny razors every time I swallow, each one cutting yet another lump of tissue away. I might have to try the Glenmorangie 20 years old tonight.

Are you sulking?

Are you 5?
Mentally at this time .....yes

Is there anything I can do/
Yes, stop fucking asking stupid questions and piss off and leave me alone.

What God wants God gets, God help us all.

Later, BabyJack

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