Friday, February 25, 2005

The world of plans……

Yeah, I’ve calmed down….a bit.

Yesterday I went to a meeting, one of the ones you get invited to but have no real idea of what it’s about. One of teams in The Sandmans mini-empire has recruited a screamer from one of the The Godfathers (that’s the Sandmans boss….and yep….. he is Italian….so this pseudonym seemed apt) other mini-empires. This bloke has been bought in to help us improve our planning of resource and budget. A right fucking bundle of fun he sounds. Why do I call him a screamer…well to say he’s slightly effeminate is like calling Elton John slightly gay or even slightly bald. Now I’m NOT homophobic, but when you’re a bloke you can tell the screaming queens immediately and in my mind this bloke makes Dale Winton look as hard as nails.

So this was Screamers idea (I kid you not)

We are not Operationally effective or efficient.

We are performing well.

But we are not performing at our Optimal Operational Performance Ceiling

We need a plan.

In fact we need several plans.

We need a Project Plan showing in depth details of projects we are committed to.

We need a High Level Project Plan containing only high level details of the same projects

We need a Support Plan

We need a Business as Usual Plan

We need Team Plans

We need individual team member plans

We need a Strategy Plan which lists the strategies of each team function

We need a Roadmap Plan

We need a Skills Development Plan

We need a Contingency Plan for unknowns

All of these will then act as feeds into the Resource Pool Plan….

Which in turn feeds into a Budget Plan

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Does it rhyme with “he must be a right trucking banker”?

Or does it rhyme with “ stupid runt”?

I am now in the world of Planning. I am a Planner. Everything is fine if we have a plan. The world is good if it has a Plan. I need to sort out and update my Life Plan.

So do you….

So does everyone...

Plans are good. Plans will save me. Plans will save you. We need more Plans.

I need a lie down.......

Later, GrocerPlan.

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